Top Of The Week

What's the Difference Between a Cosmetic Surgeon and a Plastic Surgeon?

Reconstructive plastic surgery may be covered by insurance, while cosmetic plastic surgery is elective and generally not...

Can Cosmetic Surgery be a Business Expense?

It may surprise you to learn that, in some cases, cosmetic surgery is a tax deduction approved by the IRS. Costs related...

Is Plastic Surgery Safe? An Expert's Perspective

As an expert in the field of plastic surgery, I can confidently say that it is a safe procedure. While no medical...

The Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery: Is it Worth it to be Happier?

Cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people opting to undergo procedures to...

Which Country is the Safest for Plastic Surgery?

When it comes to finding quality healthcare and innovative, high-quality and affordable plastic surgery options, there...

Can Cosmetic Surgery Improve Mental Health?

An independent study conducted by researchers in Norway, which regularly surveyed a group of female students over several ...

Editors Picks

The Most Dangerous Types of Cosmetic Surgery

The Most Dangerous Types of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a popular way to improve one's appearance, but it can also be dangerous. The most dangerous type of...

Why Insurance Should Cover Cosmetic Surgery

Why Insurance Should Cover Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure that is not typically covered by regular health insurance policies. This is...

What surgeries make you look younger?

What surgeries make you look younger?

Surgical options to look younger: Aesthetic plastic surgery to help you look 10 years younger Eyelid lift surgery:...

What are the Long-Term Effects of Cosmetic Surgery?

What are the Long-Term Effects of Cosmetic Surgery?

As a plastic surgeon, I'm often asked about the long-term effects of cosmetic surgery. While cosmetic surgery can be a...

Is Cosmetic Surgery Covered by Insurance? An Expert's Guide

Is Cosmetic Surgery Covered by Insurance? An Expert's Guide

Cosmetic surgery is generally not covered by health insurance, but there are exceptions. Many patients will work with an...

What is the Optimal Age for Cosmetic Surgery?

What is the Optimal Age for Cosmetic Surgery?

Traditionally, the recommended age for plastic surgery was between 18 and 70. This is because most cosmetic procedures...